Tri sees a brand as a canvas to paint authentic and distinctive artwork from a collection of emotions and stories to represent dreams. So this painting will communicate value and meaning to its audience, and also create a personal connection with those who share the same dreams. This painting is not just a perfect piece of art hanging in the art gallery, but it is also a topic that people talk about from time to time.​​​​​
With his brand and artistic expertise, he loves to combine brand insights with an artistic touch to create a compelling brand. He believes the perfect brand comes from a good integration of creativity that evokes emotions and deep understanding gained through a process. As a brand designer, he aims to help companies or individuals build their sustainable brands and make branding decisions that align with their values and mission to achieve their goals.
Currently, he is actively working as a freelance brand designer and visual artist, focusing on Brand Building and Art Initiatives.

2022 - Wonderland Exhibition
2020 - Disko Darurat
(Upcoming) 2024 - Skenaria

Since 2020, I started painting with only one character who has a lip-shaped head and also with only two colors, pink and blue. Check it out here
Playing games has always been a part of my life. Sometimes I get into competitive games, and other times I just enjoy some cozy ones.
I'm into traditional stuff, whether it's cultural or just everyday objects. That's why you might often see me wearing a batik sarong.
I spend my me-time exploring various libraries.
My go-to drinks are matcha or lemonade americano without any sugar.
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