Tea, Experience, Local Community
Mekarsari Brand Identity - 2024

The brand identity of Mekarsari Village is inspired by the natural wealth and history of tea plantations in the village, from every interaction with visitors, as well as the values and expectations of the local community.

Based on this, we found Mekarsari's positioning as a village where people are passionate about tea and appreciate local culture and history in their daily lives. On the other hand, everyone who visits Mekarsari will have an authentic and personalized experience.
Mekarsari Alam Teh
Nature, History, Serenity

A land blessed with every cluster of lush tea leaves, whose aroma bears silent witness to the history of Rudolph Eduard Kerkhoven transforming an old coffee plantation into a paradise of quality tea. Tea is not just a plant but an integral part of life in Mekarsari. Nowhere else treats tea with such value as the people in this village do.
The Color
Mekarsari Alam Teh

In Mekarsari Alam Teh, a green color is used, called Hijau Gambung. This color is taken from a type of tea leaf, called "Mother Leaf". The name Gambung itself originates from the name of the village before it was changed to Mekarsari. In addition, the green color symbolizes naturalness and tranquility, in accordance with the atmosphere that can be felt in Mekarsari Village.
The Supergraphic
Mekarsari Alam Teh

The first supergraphic in Mekarsari Alam Teh is inspired by the landscape of tea plantations that look neatly organized and create a harmonious look. In addition, this supergraphic is also inspired by the tea farmers who are picking tea leaves in the plantation. The second supergraphic in Mekarsari Alam Teh is inspired by the rasamala tree, located in Rudolph Eduard Kerkhoven's cemetery. In addition, this supergraphic also represents the forest in Mekarsari.
The Pattern
Mekarsari Alam Teh

The pattern in Mekarsari Alam Teh is inspired by the terraced landscape of tea plantations, creating an organized and harmonious look.
Mekarsari TujuanMu
Experience, Knowledge, Life

The atmosphere, so different and indescribable in words, ensures that everyone who visits Mekarsari has their own unique story. One thing is certain, they all leave with happy feeling and eager to share their experiences with others. With various activities and its beauty landscape, Mekarsari makes new experiences as the main souvenir for visitors when visiting this village.
The Color
Mekarsari TujuanMu

In Mekarsari TujuanMu, a blue color is used, named Biru Tilu. taken from the color of mountain silhouette in Mekarsari called Mount Tilu. Additionally, blue also symbolizes trust and experience that represent Mekarsari tourism.
The Supergraphic
Mekarsari TujuanMu

The first supergraphic in Mekarsari TujuanMu was inspired by the mountains surrounding Mekarsari, especially Mount Tilu. This supergraphic also represents that Mekarsari Village is located in the highlands. The second supergraphic in Mekarsari TujuanMu is inspired by the birds flying in the sky above Mekarsari Village. Additionally, this supergraphic symbolizes progress and development for Mekarsari.
The Pattern
Mekarsari TujuanMu

The pattern in Mekarsari TujuanMu is inspired by the activities of the visitors and the mountains in Mekarsari. Additionally, this pattern also represents a sense of dynamism and transformation.
Mekarsari Bersatu Bersama
Hospitality, Culture, Unity

Mekarsari's supportive community life is the driving force behind its rich culture, environmental preservation and community cooperation. The village slogan, Mekarsari Sabeungkeutan or Mekarsari Bersatu Bersama in Bahasa, represents the one vision of all the people, communities and institutions in Mekarsari to create a prosperous and harmonious village.
The Color
Mekarsari Bersatu Bersama

In Mekarsari Bersatu Bersama, an orange color is used, named Jingga Huluwotan. This color comes from the sunlight in Mekarsari Village at sunset, and the name huluwotan itself comes from a cultural event in Mekarsari called Hajat Huluwotan. Additionally, the color orange symbolizes warmth and friendliness.
The Supergraphic
Mekarsari Bersatu Bersama

The first supergraphic in Mekarsari Bersatu Bersama was inspired by the connections and mutual support between individuals and groups in Mekarsari. The second supergraphic in Mekarsari Bersatu Bersama is inspired by the sunlight, conveying a sense of warmth. In addition, this supergraphic represents the shared vision and mission of the people in Mekarsari.
The Pattern
Mekarsari Bersatu Bersama

The pattern in Mekarsari Bersatu Bersama is inspired by the connections of the people in Mekarsari. Additionally, this pattern symbolizes unity and friendliness.
Mekarsari Brand Identity

Created in May 2024
Designed by Tri Fajar Yusup Widodo
Copyright © 2024 Mekarsari Village & Tri Fajar Yusup Widodo

The full version of this brand guideline is open to the public. See it here: Mekarsari Brand Guideline Book (updated soon for english version)
Want to find out more about the process? Read here: Mekarsari Branding Process

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